How to claim

There are things you have to do before you can claim (like officially report the accident). Once you’ve done this you can make a formal claim if your injuries are expected to last longer than six months or cost more than $5000.

Before you make a claim

Record the registration number of the vehicle that you think caused the accident (if possible).

Report the incident to the police on the Police Assistance Line or on 13 14 44 as soon as possible (but within 28 days of the accident). Tell the police that you were injured in that accident and get the police event number of the accident

Contact our Claims Advisory Service on 1300 656 919. We’re here to help make the application process easier for you. We can also put you in contact with the insurer.

Making a formal claim

If you expect your expenses will be more than $5000, or your recovery will take longer than six months, and you were not at fault for the crash, you should complete a personal injury claim form and send it to the insurer within six months of the accident. If you can't open this clickable form in your browser, download this static version.

To be eligible:

  • another driver or vehicle owner was either partly or fully at fault for your injuries, or
  • the accident was ‘blameless’, (eg due to vehicle failure or sudden driver illness like a stroke), or
  • you were under 16 and a resident of NSW at the time, regardless of who was at fault

Our who can claim page has more information on who can claim.

You may still lodge a claim more than six months after the accident in some circumstances.  Call us for more information.

Compensation when a relative dies

You may be able to claim compensation if a close relative dies in an accident (caused either partly or completely by another driver). A close relative could be:

  • your husband,
  • your wife
  • your partner
  • your brother or sister
  • your half brother or sister
  • parent or child

You may be able to claim even if the relative who died was partly at fault in the accident.

You should complete the compensation to relatives claim form and send it to the insurer within six months of the accident.

Everyone responds differently to the death of a loved one. Take care of yourself and allow others to support you. Friends and family, support groups and social workers and other health professionals can all help.

Our emotional recovery page has more information that might help you.

Also read:

Further information

If you can’t agree with your insurer

Sometimes there can be disputes about compensation.  If there’s a dispute, there’s help available. Our motor accidents disputes section has more information.

Or call our Claims Advisory Service on 1300 656 919.

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