Vocational programs

A number of vocational programs are available to assist workers to return to work. These are:

Work trial

Provides opportunity for a worker to be placed with a host employer so that the worker can gain skills and improve capacity. The insurer pays any costs associated with the placement, including the worker’s travel, clothing etc.

Equipment and workplace modification

Provides funding for workplace equipment or modifications that may assist a worker to return to work.


Covers costs associated with training to develop new skills and qualifications to assist return to work. This may involve formal study, short courses and licenses.

Transition to work

Provides financial assistance to a worker to assist with the costs of job seeking (Tier One up to $200) and to address a financial barrier to accepting a job with a new employer (Tier Two up to $5000). Examples of how this program can be used include relocation expenses, and child care.

JobCover placement program

Provides financial incentives to a new employer to employ a worker who cannot return to work with their pre-injury employer. This includes a financial incentive paid over a 12 month period for an amount up to $27,400.


Information provided in this fact sheet is based the Workers Compensation Act 1987 and the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998.

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