Hearing impairment claims

You may be able to claim for the cost of reasonably necessary hearing aids and certain hearing tests.

SIRA has made some temporary changes to hearing services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


So that you don’t have to go out unless it is necessary, you can now have some of your audiology treatments over the telephone or online. These appointments are called telehealth. If you need to have a hearing assessment this needs to be made face to face.

If you would like to try telehealth, talk to your hearing service provider and make sure they agree this is the right option for you.

Replacement hearing aids

  • Hearing aids can be replaced when the hearing aid has been lost or damaged and is not covered by warranty or other insurance, or if you can no longer communicate effectively using the current hearing aid.
  • You need to complete a request a replacement hearing aid form when requesting a replacement.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic you do not need to see your general practitioner to complete the hearing replacement form. It should be completed with your hearing service provider during your consultation.
  • If your hearing has not changed too much the hearing service provider can use your last hearing assessment to replace your hearing aids.

Hearing loss

If you are concerned about your hearing, consult your general practitioner to determine your appropriate assessment and treatment needs. An assessment will ascertain if you have any hearing loss, if it is related to your employment and whether hearing aids are reasonably necessary.

Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of hearing impairment loss injury are to be conducted by an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist.

Please note: If you wish to claim lump sum compensation for work related hearing loss, an assessment must be conducted by an ENT specialist who is a trained assessor of permanent impairment listed on the SIRA website.

Hearing aids

To be eligible to claim for the cost of a hearing aid, you must have a hearing loss injury arising from your employment. For example, hearing loss as a result of a noisy work environment.

A claim for hearing aids is a claim for medical expenses. In determining whether a hearing aid is reasonably necessary treatment, an insurer may consider:

Claim for lump sum compensation

If you have been assessed as having hearing loss as a result of your employment you may be able to claim lump sum compensation.

This assessment must be conducted by a trained assessor of permanent impairment listed on the SIRA website. The guidelines for the evaluation of permanent impairment explain how the assessment is carried out.

If you are no longer working in a noisy industry, then you must lodge the claim with the employer who last employed you in a noisy workplace.

The workers compensation guidelines has more information.

To make a claim for permanent impairment, you must provide the employer or insurer with:

Further information

More information about hearing impairment.

If you have any questions speak to the insurer or contact the Independent Review Office (IRO) on 13 94 76.

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