Summary information - Draft Guidelines for the Provision of Relevant Services (Health and Related Services)

What are the guidelines about?

  • The guidelines outline SIRA’s expectations for the provision of relevant services by relevant service providers (RSPs) in the workers compensation (WC) and compulsory third party (CTP) schemes.
  • The guidelines apply to relevant services in the WC and CTP schemes, as defined in Clause 4A(1)of the State Insurance and Care Governance Regulations 2021, and the providers of those services, ie health and related service providers. A list of services covered is also included in the guidelines.
  • RSPs are required to comply with the parts of the guidelines that are relevant to them.
  • Clause 4C(3)(b) of State Insurance and Care Governance Regulation 2021 (which commenced in December 2022, following public consultation in September/October 2022) makes non-compliance with the guidelines a circumstance in which SIRA can issue a direction.
  • The guidelines specify requirements for the following, amongst other things:
    • the provision and delivery of relevant services
    • billing requirements, and
    • a code of conduct
  • When the final guidelines are published (expected to be in April 2022), SIRA will publish a policy and procedures guide for the information of stakeholders.

Purpose of the guidelines

  • SIRA has developed the draft Guidelines for the Provision of Relevant Services (Health and Relevant Services).
  • Section 26E of the State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015 allows SIRA to issue guidelines concerning the provision of relevant services by relevant service providers.
  • The intention of this regulatory framework is to enable SIRA to manage outlier providers who have a demonstrated pattern of poor practices but have not responded to opportunities provided by SIRA to correct those practices. SIRA does not intend to intervene in individual patient care.

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