CTP reviews

This page contains a brief summary on the CTP reviews in 2013 and 2016.

2013 Scheme review

In 2013 the government asked the then MAA to conduct a review of the scheme. The findings indicated that the scheme was relatively inefficient and resulted in delays in injured people receiving their entitlements which led to proposed legislative change through the  Motor Accidents Injuries Amendment Bill 2013. This Bill amended the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 and proposed a new approach to compulsory personal injury insurance.

This Bill was later withdrawn as it did not have the support of the Upper House. A roundtable was subsequently held to further explore stakeholder views.

These documents provide further detail:

CTP reform documents

Publicly accessible submissions

CTP roundtable

2016 Scheme review: On the road to a better CTP Scheme

The NSW Government has reformed the Green Slip CTP scheme to better support people injured on our roads, and to reduce the cost of Green Slips for vehicle owners.

For more information visit CTP reform pages.

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