SIRA Multicultural Plan 2019 - 2020

The SIRA Multicultural Plan includes the strategies that SIRA will employ to make sure that all people, including those from different cultural, religious and language backgrounds, have equal access to SIRA services.

The SIRA Multicultural Plan also shows our commitment to the Principles of Multiculturalism Act 2000.

SIRA delivers programs and services through a range of activities. When offering these programs and services, careful consideration is given to making sure that information is presented in an accessible way and in a range of community languages.

Although delivering programs in a multicultural way is the norm within SIRA, there are some key challenges that deserve our continued focus. These include:

  • ensuring staff is up to date with relevant legislation
  • ensuring multicultural approaches are considered at all stages of a project
  • ensuring staff has access to information and training to effectively communicate with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD)
  • increasing feedback mechanisms for front-line staff to identify any cultural, religious or language issues that impact on their ability to deliver services to all members of the community; and the ongoing maintenance of content in different languages.

Our Multicultural Plan outlines strategies, actions, accountabilities and timeframes for SIRA to deliver on the seven outcome areas identified in Multicultural NSW’s ‘Multicultural Planning Framework’.

You can view the 2019-2020 SIRA Multicultural Plan.

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