Board's code of conduct

This code of conduct outlines the qualities our Board members adhere to at all times.

Respect for people

Board members will treat each other, the staff of the Authority and others with whom they deal fairly and consistently, in a non-discriminatory manner and with proper respect, courtesy and sensitivity to their interests, rights, safety and welfare.

Personal and professional behaviour

Board members will:

  • perform their functions with integrity, impartiality, honesty, conscientiousness and loyalty to the public interest
  • act in the interests of the Authority in all their deliberations and not favour the interests of any particular constituency over those of the Authority as a whole
  • exercise due care and diligence in fulfilling the functions of office and exercising the powers attached to that office
  • not engage in conduct likely to bring discredit upon the Authority or take improper advantage of their position as Board members

Demonstrate leadership and stewardship

Board members will promote and support the application of NSW public sector values as embodied in the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 No 40.

Board members will use the resources of the State in a responsible and accountable manner.

Board members will look for ways to improve the performance of the Board and the Authority and promote high standards of administration and governance.

Decision making

Board members will use Board meetings as the appropriate forum for discussion of all relevant issues.

Board members will bring an independent judgement to decisions.

Board members will act with diligence and care and seek to make decisions that are honest, fair, impartial, and timely, based on consideration of the relevant facts and supported by adequate documentation.

Responsibility and impartiality

Board members will, at all times, comply with the spirit, as well as the letter, of the law, and with the principles contained in this Code.

Board members must comply with any relevant administrative requirements, policies and decisions of the government of the day in an impartial manner.

Use of official information

Confidential information received by a Board member in the course of the exercise of their duties remains the property of the Authority and it is improper to disclose it, or allow it to be disclosed, unless that disclosure has been authorised or is required by law.

Board members will refrain from public comment on the Board, its deliberations or the operations and business of the Authority unless authorised or required by law.

Gifts and benefits

Board members must be wary of accepting gifts and benefits as this can place a public official in a position where they feel obligated to act contrary to rules of integrity, impartiality and honesty.

Board members must not accept gifts or benefits that could place them under an actual or perceived financial or moral obligation to other organisations, or to individuals.

Conflicts of interest and the disclosure of pecuniary interests

Board members must not allow personal interests, or the interests of any associated person or constituency, to conflict with the interests of the Authority.

The Member’s Declaration and Undertaking form is to be completed by all members of the Board and updated as circumstances change.

Members are also required to identify any conflicts or possible conflicts or pecuniary interests at each meeting at which the Board is to consider a matter for which a conflict is present or may be present.

Reporting suspected corrupt conduct

Corrupt conduct is the dishonest or partial exercise of public official functions. It may also involve the conduct of non-public officials which adversely affects the honest and impartial exercise of a public official’s functions.

Board members will report improper conduct or misconduct which has been, or may be occurring in the workplace and report the details to the relevant people or agency.

Board members are to familiarise themselves with their rights and responsibilities under the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 and the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022.

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