Claims Assessments resolve disputes about claims issues such as damages, and other related disputes

This page explains what a Claims Dispute is and what types of matters can be referred to us for a resolution. It also explains how to make an application and what happens after your application is received.

When you are injured in a motor accident you may be able to make a claim for damages if you have more than a minor injury and you were not at fault. To check if you are eligible to claim, go to motor accidents injury claims. Claims for damages must be made within three years of the date of the motor accident.

Where injuries are greater than 10% ‘whole person impairment’ a claim for damages can be made at any time.

Where injuries are not greater than 10% ‘whole person impairment', a claim for damages can be lodged 20 months after the accident.

If your insurer has made you an offer of settlement you disagree with, declined your claim for damages (or refused to make an offer), or if you wish to have a settlement approved, you can lodge a DRS application for:

  • damages claims
  • exemptions from claims assessment
  • lump sum settlement approvals (if you are self-represented).

If you do not have a lawyer, any proposed damages claim settlement will need to be approved by an independent DRS Claims Assessor.

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