Workers compensation insurers

In brief

Licensed insurers sell workers compensation insurance, manage claims and help people recover after workplace injury or illness in NSW.

SIRA licenses and regulates the Nominal Insurer (icare), and all self and specialised insurers in the NSW workers compensation system.

We expect licensed insurers to operate in accordance with the:

Other key guides include the:

You can find out more about our regulatory requirements on our pages Insurer compliance and Insurer performance pages.

Notifying SIRA about a significant matter

SIRA is the independent regulator of the workers compensation system in NSW.

To fulfil its objectives and functions under the State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015 and relevant scheme legislation, SIRA requires the timely and transparent notification of significant matters from licensed insurers and providers. These notifications enable SIRA to respond to significant matters related to policies of insurance, claims and other related matters under the scheme legislation.

For more information, please see the Notification of significant matters page.


Visit our Forms page


Visit our Publications page for fees orders and various guidelines.

Further information

Insurers need to a licence from SIRA to operate as a self or specialised insurer in the NSW workers compensation system. Find out how to apply to be a self or specialised insurer.

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