Camille’s story of mental health recovery at work

17 February 2023

About five years ago, Camille began to feel anxious and was suffering panic attacks. She couldn’t fathom what was wrong and was “not myself at all”.

It was with the support of her colleague Charlotte, who’d had similar experiences, that Camille found there was hope and that she would get better.

This is Camille’s #becauseofyou story of how the support of Charlotte aided her mental health recovery at work.

In this video, Camille shares the story of her mental health issues and its impact on her life. She talks of her mental health recovery, the challenges she faced, and the pivotal role played by Charlotte.

Her recovery journey started when she found a video made by Charlotte, talking about her own story of mental ill health and recovery. It was the catalyst for a conversation between them about Camille’s issues.

“I knew how hard it can be to ask for help,” Charlotte said. Her message to Camille was clear – “you can get through this.”

Their conversations gave Camille the hope that things would be okay and the courage to seek the help and support she needed and to share her mental health struggles.

“Charlotte became my #becauseofyou person, a person I could open up to. Today I am much healthier and happier than I was five years ago,” Camille said.

Camille will be commencing as Head of Service Delivery for a consultancy of psychologists while completing her thesis to become a psychologist.

By sharing her story, Camille wants to make a difference to mental health recovery in the workplace by raising awareness and encouraging others to be that #becauseofyouperson.

#becauseofyou was developed by SIRA’s Recovery@Work Reference Group - of which Camille is a member - to tell their experiences of how peers in the workplace can support mental health recovery.

If you need support or would like to talk to someone, please call Hear2Talk 1300H2TALK (1300 428 255) or the Beyond Blue Support Service1300 22 4636.

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