Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury can happen in a car crash or at work.

Mild brain injury

Most people recover rapidly following a mild brain injury. Some people may experience symptoms over a longer period.

We have developed advice about the early diagnosis and management of mild brain injury in adults following closed head injury. It is available on our recovering from a mild brain injury page.

Neuropsychological assessment (CTP scheme)

A neuropsychological assessment may be required for diagnosis and treatment planning for people experiencing difficulties with memory, attention, language or other aspects of cognition or behaviour.

We have developed guidelines for neuropsychological assessment for health professionals, insurers and any other party involved in the assessment of neuropsychological impairment in the CTP scheme.

Complete the neuropsychological assessment notification form to arrange a neuropsychological assessment.

Fact sheets about neuropsychological assessments are also available for:

Further information

Injury advice centre

Our injury advice centre also has a range of information your patient might find useful.

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