Young drivers telematics trial

SIRA, in partnership with the NSW Centre for Road Safety, has completed a research trial exploring the potential for telematics to improve the safety of young drivers.

The trial ran from July 2018 to March 2019 with more than 700 young drivers participating in the study.  Drivers had a telematics device installed in their car, which collected data on the vehicle’s acceleration, speed and braking in real time.

SIRA published its findings and research report in September 2019.


Among young drivers who received telematics-based feedback, there were reduced rates of rapid acceleration, speeding, harsh turning and harsh braking.

What we now know is that if every young driver in New South Wales was to use this kind of technology there could be about 200 fewer crashes each year including 2 fatal crashes and 59 serious injury crashes.

Read the findings and the research report.

Next steps

The experience in this trial was consistent with patterns of telematics use around the world. While the technology has the potential to contribute to safer driving behaviours, getting people to use it can be challenging.

SIRA’s Motor Accident Guidelines encourage insurers to use innovative rating factors that differentiate risk with quantifiable data, which can include telematics. Insurers can introduce alternative pricing mechanisms, including premium refunds, that reward better practice.

SIRA also partly funds road safety programs via Transport for NSW’s Centre for Road Safety, which include the use of telematics. For example, the social enterprise Empowr Mobility trial uses the Car[A] app, which develops positive and safe behaviours through the use of telematics. SIRA continues to encourage the use of innovative and emerging technologies that result in safer driving.


All participant data that SIRA holds has also been completely de-identified. SIRA will continue to hold the de-identified data and may use it for further research and analysis as appropriate.

The young drivers telematics trial privacy statement details how we used trial participants' data and who had access to it during the trial.

SIRA’s privacy page also explains how SIRA collects, uses, stores, discloses and disposes of personal and health information in line with the NSW privacy laws.

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