Green Slip reforms refunds

The 30 September 2019 deadline for claiming the Green Slip refund has now passed and no more refunds will be processed.

The 30 September 2019 deadline for claiming the Green Slip refund has now passed and no more refunds will be processed. The refund has been available to motorists since the beginning of 2018. More than 3.46 million NSW motorists have claimed around $214 million of refunds. Overall, 82% of available Green Slip refunds were claimed. The unclaimed Green Slip refunds, which total around $27 million, will be returned to motorists by reducing the levies, which are paid as part of a CTP Premium. The levy reduction will be approximately $5 (depending on the type of vehicle) and will be applied to registrations due between 15 January 2020 and 14 Jan 2021. For more information regarding CTP reforms call us on 1300 656 919 or make an online enquiry.

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