
Our privacy page explains how we collect, use, store, disclose and dispose of personal and health information in line with the NSW privacy laws.

You have the right to know the information that we collect about users of our website, the purpose for which the information is collected, how the information is used and to whom, if anyone, the information is disclosed.

Our privacy standards are set out in the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (HRIP Act).

For further information on SIRA's privacy practices please read:

  • our privacy statement, a summary of how we protect and handle your personal and health information
  • our website privacy notice for information on what we collect from and/or about users of this website and what we do with this information
  • our privacy management plan which is an expanded explanation of how we protect and handle your personal and health information
  • our data breach response policy for information on our obligations to notify you of a breach of your personal or health information
  • our public incident register page for notification of data breaches where it is not practical to notify those affected individually.

If you have a complaint or question about how SIRA handles your personal information you can contact us by:


[email protected]


Privacy Officer
State Insurance Regulatory Authority
Locked Bag 2906
Lisarow NSW 2252

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