How to buy a Green Slip

You can buy a Green Slip directly from a licensed insurer or through a variety of agents and outlets and online. It's important to understand what's expected of you and your insurer when buying a Green Slip.

Buying from an insurer

There are six insurers licensed to provide Green Slips in NSW. Most offer quotes online or over the phone.

As a result of CTP reforms, prices have come down from 1 December 2017 for most policy holders, but prices will still be based on individual risk factors, so it pays to shop around for the best price.

You can use our Green Slip Check to compare quotes.

All Green Slips have the same level of protection, however some insurers offer additional types of cover.

What is a Green Slip? has more information about what they cover and why it’s important you have one.

What you provide an insurer

When buying a Green Slip you must give your insurer truthful information about your vehicle, yourself and any other people who drive your vehicle.

Your insurer will use this information to work out how much your Green Slip will be.

This information may include:

Vehicle details like:

  • year
  • make and model
  • garaging postcode

Details of you and other drivers like:

  • the age of the youngest driver
  • demerit points

You need to be truthful and you need to give correct information. If you don’t:

  • the insurer may ask you to pay the difference between the lower amount they have charge you and what you should have paid for the Green Slip
  • your vehicle registration might be cancelled and you may be charged a fee for reinstatement
  • penalties may apply

Documents you may need

Have your registration papers with you when shopping for your Green Slip.

For new registrations make sure you have your vehicle's Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or chassis number.

Insurer obligations

In general, insurers must:

  • do all things necessary to ensure that its third-party insurance business is conducted efficiently, honestly and fairly
  • not discriminate against individual customers or groups of customers
  • have clear and practical processes for providing Green Slips
  • make sure their Green Slip insurance is accessible and available to all customers
  • manage claims and pay entitlements to injured people
  • work with us and TfNSW to facilitate prompt registration (e.g. once a Green Slip policy has been purchased they notify TfNSW automatically)

Other insurer obligations are outlined in the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 or you can learn more about each insurer’s obligations by contacting them directly.

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