Compare CTP Green Slip prices

Use SIRA's Green Slip Price Check tool.

How SIRA’s Green Slip Price Check works

The Green Slip Price Check tool is an easy way for consumers to compare CTP Green Slip prices from all CTP licenced insurers in NSW.

All Green Slips have the same level of CTP cover but may not cost the same, so it’s important for consumers to shop around for the best price.

Prices for Green Slips vary according to several factors, based on a consumer’s motor vehicle and personal details. It's important that a consumer answers the questions accurately in the Green Slip Price Check to ensure they receive the most accurate price from each insurer.

Learn more about how CTP prices are set.

How to use Green Slip Price Check

There are 3 options available for obtaining a Green Slip price when using Green Slip Price Check.

Option one: Driver licence or Registration billing number

  • This option caters for customers who may want to compare a price and then continue onto the insurer website to purchase a CTP policy.
  • By using this option, a customer provides their licence and vehicle information. This option will likely result in the most accurate price as the Green Slip Price Check obtains complete details of your licence and vehicle.

Option 2: Registration number or VIN

  • This option caters for customers who may not want to provide, or do not have access to, their billing or licence number.
  • A customer provides a registration number or VIN to retrieve vehicle details which allows for a more accurate pricing calculation based on correct vehicle.  Note other driver details are still required to complete the price comparison.

Option 3: I don’t know or have a registration number

  • This option caters for customers who may not want to provide any personal information, or do not have access to, and are looking for an indicative price whilst remaining anonymous.
  • This option is subject to complete manual input and is likely to produce the least accurate prices if information is not complete and vehicle identification not verified.

Options one and 2 tend to result in the most accurate price from each insurer.

Sometimes there may be a discrepancy in the price displayed on the Green Slip Price Check and the price displayed on the insurer’s renewal/website. This may occur when the insurer requires additional or varied information compared to that manually entered into Green Slip Price Check. Prices should be confirmed with the insurer before making a purchase.

Whilst every effort is taken to ensure the accuracy of these prices, the prices listed on the platform are based on the information that has been entered in each of the questions of the Green Slip Price Check.

How to get help

You should contact the selected insurer with any questions about price and what drives the prices in your specific circumstances.

If you need to contact SIRA about using Green Slip Price Check call CTP Assist on 1300 656 919 or email us.

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