How are prices set?

The information will differ depending on which type of vehicle.

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You can also download a PDF fact sheet of how prices are set.

In general terms, when calculating a Green Slip price for you, an insurer must charge enough to cover the cost of future claims as well as the costs of doing business. This is the ‘base cost’ of your premium.

An insurer may then apply a variety of rating factors that will either increase or reduce the cost of your premium. They may consider your age (as the owner or driver), your safety record (the number of at-fault accidents you have been involved in), any demerit points you may have, and your claims history.

They may also consider your vehicle’s age, where your vehicle is kept, whether your vehicle will be comprehensively insured, and their own risks across the scheme.

As insurers may apply different rating factors when setting your price, prices between insurers can differ.

The Fund Levy and GST are always included as part of the total price you pay.

Our Green Slip Check makes it quick and easy to compare CTP prices across different insurers.

A new CTP scheme

The new CTP Green Slip scheme started on 1 December 2017 to make premiums more affordable and better support injured people.

We are closely monitoring and managing the performance of the new scheme to:

  • promote competition and innovation in the setting of premiums
  • ensure the sustainability and affordability of the scheme and fair market practices
  • keep premiums affordable by ensuring that the profits realised by insurers do not exceed the amount that is sufficient for the risk.

What is the Fund levy?

The Fund levy is a part of your CTP premium under the new scheme. It covers your ambulance and initial hospital fees, as well as lifetime care for the severely injured. It also preserves funding for future treatment and care for those who are seriously injured and not at fault in the accident.

The Fund levy consists of the:

1. SIRA Motor Accidents Operational (MAF) levy

This levy pays for public hospital and ambulance services for anyone injured on NSW roads.

It also funds the administration costs of running the CTP Green Slip scheme. This includes providing support services such as CTP Assist and an independent Disputes Resolution Service for injured people.

It was introduced in 2006 under the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999.

2. Lifetime Care and Support Authority Fund (LTCS) levy

This levy pays for the lifetime treatment, rehabilitation and care of people who have been severely injured on NSW roads, regardless of who was at fault. Injuries need to meet specific criteria and can include:

  • brain injury
  • spinal cord injury
  • amputations
  • burns
  • permanent blindness.

It was introduced in 2006.

3. Motor Accident Injuries Treatment and Care Benefits Fund (MAITC) levy

This levy covers the future treatment and care expenses of injured people who were not at fault in the accident and who have ongoing medical needs later in life, such as secondary surgery and prosthetics.

It was introduced on 1 December 2017.

How is the Fund levy charged?

The Fund levy is shown separately on your Green Slip invoice.

It replaces the Medical Care & Injury Services (MCIS) levy, which was calculated as a percentage of your premium under the previous CTP scheme. This meant that if you paid a higher premium, you paid a higher levy.

The Fund levy is now a flat fee set by SIRA, based on vehicle type and garaging location. This means that some people will pay more and others will pay less towards the Fund levy under the new scheme. Overall, this is a fairer way of charging the levy and better for SIRA’s administration.

Fund levy costs for Sydney metro passenger vehicles from 15 January 2024 are shown in the table below.

Levy ComponentCTP scheme costs for all policy holders
Effective 15 January 2024
CTP scheme costs for all policy holders
Previous period
(15 January 2023 - 14 January 2024)
MAF fund$14.10$16.05
LTCS Fund$102.43$100.35
MAITC Fund$24.61$23.99
Total levy$141.14$140.38

Further information

To read more about the new scheme, read the CTP Green Slip reform pages.

You can also read:

If you have other questions about your premium or need help with a claim, please call CTP Assist on 1300 656 919 (8:30 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday). Or you can email [email protected]. If you leave a voice message or email after hours, we will call you back the next business day.

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