What is workers compensation?

Workers compensation insurance provides support for workers with a work-related injury.

Most employers in NSW are legally required to have a workers compensation policy to protect them from the costs of workers compensation claims (unless they are exempt).

Workers compensation assists with the costs of weekly benefits, medical and hospital expenses and a range of other benefits to help the worker recover and return to work.

Workers compensation insurance can also provide:

  • domestic assistance
  • new employment assistance payments
  • education or training assistance payments
  • property damage claims
  • lump sum compensation for permanent impairment
  • work break and journey claims
  • hearing impairment claims
  • uninsured employer claims
  • exempt worker claims (by police officers, firefighters and paramedics)
  • payments in the event of death.

Injured workers

If you’re an injured worker, you can find out what to do first, how to lodge a claim, or how to complain or dispute a decision.


If you are an employer, you can find out how to get workers compensation and more information here.

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