SIRA grants $350,000 to Recovery Boost winners

Recipients of the third round of the Recovery Boost grants will collectively receive more than $350,000 to improve mental health in the workplace.

The Recovery Boost program provides grants of up to $50,000 towards mental health projects that encourage early help seeking, support recovery and reduce stigma.

This round, 8 organisations will receive funding to implement bespoke initiatives that will help prevent mental distress or aid recovery.

The funded programs include tailored assistance for rural sole traders, yarning circles for First Peoples, support for deaf and hard of hearing workers, and targeted intervention for police officers with stress disorders.

Benefits and lessons from these projects will help broaden the evidence base of what works to support mental health recovery at work.

The Recovery Boost grants form part of the NSW Government’s Mentally Healthy Workplaces Strategy 2018-2022, which aims to encourage NSW employers, leaders and workers to take effective action to create mentally healthy workplaces.

The round 3 Recovery Boost grant recipients are:

  • Everymind will develop a peer wellbeing guide and an online, interactive wellbeing plan for rural sole traders from agriculture industries.
  • NSW Police Force will test combined interventions targeting hyperarousal to help officers experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, chronic pain, and other stress related disorders.
  • BusNSW will produce an innovative online mental health training tool supported by an awareness and publicity campaign to support healthy minds in the NSW bus industry.
  • Deaf Services will develop mental health videos and other resources that support deaf and hard of hearing employee wellbeing.
  • Metro Assist will work with organisations to co-design culturally appropriate interventions that boost mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.
  • Gandangara Medical Services will launch a yarning circle for staff wellness, co-created between qualified health practitioners and First Peoples, to support a sense of connectedness and wellbeing.
  • Batyr will implement a workplace-based program that leverages the power of lived experienced storytelling to reduce stigma and increase help-seeking behaviours within the workplace.
  • Central Coast Industry Connect Ltd will seek to understand mental health in small and medium sized businesses, including the challenges and opportunities for the access and implementation of mental health resources and mental health promotion strategies.

Find out more about the grant recipients and their projects.

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