SIRA2025 strategy is launched!

Adam Dent presenting at the launch of SIRA2025

On Monday this week, over 200 staff members gathered at Doltone House Hyde Park to launch SIRA2025 – the strategy that sets out SIRA’s goals and priorities for the next four years.

SIRA2025 sets the course for supporting SIRA as a customer-centric, intelligence-led, risk-based regulator. The strategy outlines the seven goals and a set of strategic priorities that will guide our work to deliver on SIRAs core purpose of making sure that NSW insurance schemes protect and support the people who need them, now and in the future.

Among our guest panellists were The Hon. Victor Dominello - Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government, Trevor Matthews - Chair of the SIRA Board, and Em Hogan - Secretary of the NSW Department of Customer Service.

SIRA Chief Executive Adam Dent thanked the SIRA team, Board and guest panellists for making the day a great success.

“Through SIRA2025, we will use the full range of scheme stewardship, design and regulatory functions to deliver better outcomes for customers and build on the successes SIRA has had to date,” Mr Dent said.

“It was fantastic to see the SIRA team and guests gathered together for the launch. The launch of this new strategy is the result of the collaborative work, energy and ideas of the SIRA team and Board on the future direction for SIRA.

“Now I look forward to leading the agency to deliver on the goals and strategic priorities in this strategy.”

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