Motor accidents bulletin - August 2019

New on SIRA's website: CTP insurer claims experience and customer feedback comparison, plus public consultation for the review of minor injury definition

The first issue of the CTP Insurer Claims Experience and Customer Feedback Comparison Report is now available on the SIRA website.

SIRA is currently undertaking a review of the minor injury definition and is seeking public submissions as part of this review.

Read on for more information and visit our consultation page.

CTP Insurer Claims Experience and Customer Feedback Comparison Report

The first issue of the CTP Insurer Claims Experience and Customer Feedback Comparison Report, which compares insurers’ performance in the NSW CTP scheme has been published on the SIRA website.

Follow this link to view the report.

The publishing of this report means scheme stakeholders and the wider public will have access to information to make informed decisions about the performance of the industry.

Access to insurers’ data will help customers make meaningful comparisons between insurers. People injured in motor accidents may also benefit from knowing what to expect from the insurer managing their claim.

The data in the report includes evidence-based indicators which measure insurer performance over the course of an injured person’s claims journey:

  • the number of statutory benefits claims accepted by insurers,
  • how quickly insurers pay statutory benefits,
  • the outcome of claim decisions reviewed by insurers through the insurer’s internal review unit, and
  • the number and type of compliments and complaints about insurers.

The CTP Insurer Claims Experience and Customer Feedback Comparison results will be published each quarter.

Have your say: SIRA's review of the minor injury definition

SIRA is conducting a review of the minor injury definition against the objectives of the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017.

To help us with this review, we are seeking feedback from people and organisations who have been directly involved in the CTP scheme since it commenced in December 2017.

About the minor injury definition

The current CTP scheme includes legislation and guidelines for determining which people have injuries that are regarded as more serious, and which people have injuries that, with early access to treatment and support, are expected to recover quickly and return to work or usual activities within a short time frame. These types of injuries are defined as a ‘minor injury’.

About the review

The aim of the review is to better understand how the minor injury definition is performing in the scheme, so SIRA can:

  • be aware of any issues or concerns about the minor injury definition, and
  • gain insights on where the minor injury provisions in the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 may or may not be delivering intended outcomes for customers.

Submissions are sought from people who have been injured in a motor vehicle accident and their support networks, insurers, lawyers, medical professionals and other interested stakeholders.

To read the terms of reference and make a submission, visit the online consultation page.

Submissions are invited by 8 September 2019.

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