Motor accidents bulletin - August 2020

Legal Portal webinar training

Training is available on 31 August (4.30pm) for legal representatives and those using the Legal Portal.

The virtual session will go over how to use the Legal Portal for Claims Cost Disclosures and dispute management.

Find out more or register here. If it is required, a further session will be provided in September for those that cannot make the training on 31 August.

Update on CTP arrangements for the Point to Point Industry

SIRA is extending the consultation and implementation timetable for the new CTP pricing arrangements for the Point to Point industry. The new arrangements are targeted to be in place by 1 December 2021.

SIRA will continue to develop new CTP arrangements, considering the industry’s previous feedback and work collaboratively to co-design sustainable and robust new arrangements.

If you have any questions please contact [email protected]

COVID-19 guidance materials on the SIRA website

Insurers should be flexible and inform scheme participants of additional options available to access treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the use of telehealth or videoconferencing.

From 7 August 2020, border entry rules apply for people entering NSW from Victoria. People authorised under the public health order may enter NSW if they have been in Victoria in the last two weeks.

Insurers should proactively identify barriers for people residing in the border regions in accessing treatment and related services and communicate suitable options. 

If you would like further information on insurer practice and COVID-19 please see the Motor Accidents Guidelines, or where appropriate, workers compensation standard of practice.

Motor Accidents Compensation Regulation 2020

The Motor Accidents Compensation Regulation 2020 comes into effect from 1 September 2020 and applies to claims made prior to 1 December 2017.

Under the regulation, regulated fees are to be indexed annually in line with Consumer Price Index and insurers have provision to manage more smaller claims; supporting the stamping out of claims farming and fraudulent claims.

It does not affect claims that occurred on, or, after 1 December 2017.

Read more here.

Motor Accidents Guidelines Consultation has commenced

SIRA regularly reviews and updates the Motor Accident Guidelines (the Guidelines). External consultation for the Motor Accident Guidelines version 6 has commenced with stakeholders.

Once submissions to the consultation have been considered, the 6th version of the Guidelines will be available on the SIRA website.

New functionality added to CTP Open Data Portal

As part of its regulatory oversight, SIRA monitors insurers’ performance through data-gathering and analysis. SIRA helps to hold insurers accountable by being transparent with this data, enabling scheme stakeholders and the wider public to have informed discussions about the performance of the industry.

Additionally, access to insurers’ data will help customers make meaningful comparisons between insurers when purchasing CTP insurance. People injured in motor accidents may also benefit from knowing what to expect from the insurer managing their claim.

SIRA compares six key indicators of customer experience across the five CTP insurers in NSW: AAMI, Allianz, GIO, NRMA and QBE.  New functionality has been added to the portal so customers can filter data to their preference with interactive tables and graphs. On the homepage, select 'Insurer Claims Experience' to filter the data as preferred.

SIRA will continue to publish and update the key performance metrics and provide the report in a PDF and interactive format.

Make informed CTP insurance decisions through our tools and reports

Customers can make the most informed comparisons when purchasing CTP insurance through SIRA comparison tools and reports.

SIRA publishes data on key indicators of customer claims experience across NSW CTP insurers to ensure customers have access to material required to make a well-informed decision before buying CTP insurance.

A range of information is available to assist you when using the CTP Green Slip Check including key claims experience measures such as insurer claims acceptance rates, time it takes to access treatment and time it takes to receive income support.

The latest interactive graphics in the CTP Open Data Portal further show how insurers perform across claims experience, disputes, complaints, compliments and more. Filter data to your preference, with interactive tables and graphs. 

Updates to our data are on a regular basis. We will continue to enhance functionally in the future, and we welcome your feedback.

Comprehensive quarterly PDF regulation reports will continue to be published on the SIRA website.

Contact SIRA for support

For enquiries, help with claims, feedback, complaints or disputes with insurers or others please call 1300 656 919  8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday or email: [email protected].

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