Recovery at work insider - Issue 11

Recovery through work

2021 a year in review

SIRA designed the Recovery at work insider to provide bite-sized, evidence based information on a monthly basis to return to work (RTW) coordinators, employers  and other interested stakeholders with the aim of translating evidence into practice and to improve recovery at work outcomes.

Since February 2021, we have released 10 editions of the Recovery at work insider covering topics including:

  • successful recovery at work strategies
  • positive workplace culture
  • promoting the health benefits of good work
  • engaging leadership commitment to RTW
  • designing and implementing effective RTW systems.

From the evidence

The information in the Recovery at work insider is based on the summary of evidence Reversing the trend-improving RTW outcomes in NSW published in 2020. This paper groups information under four key domains that influence recovery at work outcomes:

  • personal
  • workplace
  • insurance and compensation
  • health care.

In future editions SIRA will continue to use the growing evidence base to support recovery through work.

Survey feedback

In September and October 2021, we asked for your feedback about the future of the Recovery at work insider. Thank you to those who took the time to respond. The feedback was extremely constructive and useful.

The overwhelming majority of those who responded indicated you would like the Recovery at work insider to continue on a monthly basis and suggested the following could be included in future editions:

  • topic based information
  • evidence updates and practical tips for translating evidence into practice
  • further resources and tools to support recovery through work
  • presentation of case studies
  • updates on the RTW coordination eLearning
  • evidence for specific workplace rehabilitation strategies.

Based on the this we look forward to sending you monthly editions of the Recovery at work Insider in 2022.

Next edition

Our next edition in February 2022, will continue our focus on recovery through work and identification of suitable work.

Thank you for your commitment to improving RTW outcomes in NSW. Wishing you all the best for the rest of 2021 and the upcoming year 2022.

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