Recovery at work insider - Issue 15

A tailored, person-centred approach improves outcomes

Why is this important?

A tailored, person-centred approach to recovery and return to work (RTW) improves worker engagement and RTW outcomes.  

Having a worker involved in planning and decision making helps workers to take ownership of their recovery.

From the evidence

Evidence shows that better return to work outcomes result from a tailored, person-centered approach. To achieve a positive return to work outcome, the process, support and intervention provided by all stakeholders should recognise and respond to an individual worker’s needs1

A tailored person-centred approach aims to understand a person's circumstances and needs, adapts supports and processes and engages and equips the person to be involved in their recovery 2.

What you can do

    You can apply a tailored person-centred approach to RTW by:

    • talking with your worker to understand their beliefs about pain and injury, circumstances at work and home, concerns and expectations, needs and preferences
    • focusing on your worker’s strengths, skills and what they can do, rather than diagnoses, restrictions and what they can’t do
    • planning with your worker rather than for them – provide the opportunity for them to talk about their concerns, needs, goals and suggest their own solutions
    • providing recovery at work information to your worker to equip and support them to make informed decisions about their recovery
    • setting SMART (specific; measurable; attainable; realistic; time-based) recover at work goals
    • ensuring others involved in your worker’s recovery understand the recovery at work goals
    • updating the plan to meet your worker’s needs as they recover.

Resources and tools

Next edition

Our June edition will continue to look at recover at work planning to achieve outcomes.

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  1. Safe Work Australia. National RTW Strategy 2020-2030.
  2. Moo, A, Bywood, P, Clark, and McMillan, J. 2021. Best  practices for person-centred case management: literature review.  ISCRR

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