Recovery at work insider - Issue 3

Promote the health benefits of good work and recovery at work

Why is this important?

Returning to work after illness or injury can deliver many benefits to your worker, your organisation and the community (see Resources and tools).

From the evidence

Work is a powerful determinant of health.

The health benefits of good work mean that staying at work to recover, or a timely return to work, is an important part of rehabilitation and recovery.1

What you can do

  • promote the principles of good work throughout your organisation
  • educate your workers that work will help with their recovery
  • support your worker’s recovery
  • ensure others involved in supporting your worker to recover at work are also promoting the benefits of remaining active
  • consider signing up to the Health Benefits of Good Work Consensus statement (see below).

Resources and tools

  • WorkSafe QLD’s short video on the health benefits of good work
  • Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) resources, including information about becoming a Health Benefits of Good Work signatory organisation
  • SIRA’s free RTW coordination eLearning modules

Next edition

Our next edition will focus on designing and implementing effective RTW systems.

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  1. Australasian Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (AFOEM). 2015. Realising the health benefits of work – an evidence update.

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