SIRA bulletin - Issue 19

Unique insights into customer experience in personal injury schemes

In an Australian first, SIRA has undertaken research to measure the customer experience and health outcomes of people making claims in the compulsory third-party (CTP) and workers compensation schemes.

The independent benchmark study, conducted by the Social Research Centre, provides rich insights into the experience and outcomes of 893 people with CTP claims and 885 people with workers compensation claims.

Key findings from this study included:

  • Overall, certain groups of people tended to report poorer experience and outcomes regardless of injury severity or scheme. This includes people who are in the schemes for longer, have symptoms of probable serious mental illness, or are experiencing moderate to severe pain.
  • People with a CTP claim were found to be more impacted by their injury than people with a workers compensation claim.
  • In workers compensation, people with a psychological injury claim had worse outcomes and experience than those with a physical injury claim.

This research is a unique piece of work that goes beyond standard customer satisfaction tests to measure customer experience with insurers, trust in the schemes, perceptions of justice, return to work and other activities, and health and social outcomes.

The research also considered the extent to which insurers are delivering services in line with SIRA’s Customer Service Conduct Principles. All insurers are required to attest to these principles and where present, they support positive outcomes for people who make a claim for compensation.

This initial report represents the start of a long-term research program that will help to improve outcomes for around 110,000 people injured at work or on the road in New South Wales each year.

You can access the full report and read more about the findings on the SIRA hub.

21- Point Action Plan update

SIRA has released its latest progress update on the 21-Point Action Plan. Following the Independent Compliance and Performance Review of the Nominal Insurer (managed by icare), on 13 December 2019, the SIRA Chief Executive issued the Plan to drive fact-based and steady improvement in the Nominal Insurer.

Thirteen actions have been completed, and eight are in progress. Actions completed since the October 2020 progress update relate to:

  • Nominal Insurer’s business plan resubmission
  • Dedicated case managers
  • Independent review of culture, governance, and accountability
  • SIRA and icare board engagement
  • Reviewing health costs
  • Customer survey.

SIRA is continuing to monitor icare’s performance against the 21-Point Action Plan and the delivery of outstanding actions.

The progress update on the 21-Point Action Plan is published on the SIRA website.

Personal Injury Commission and Independent Review Office now in operation

The Personal Injury Commission and Independent Review Office (IRO) commenced operation on 1 March 2021.

A ceremonial sitting in the District Court of NSW marked the official opening of the Personal Injury Commission. The commission will now manage workers compensation and CTP disputes, taking over the former functions of the Workers Compensation Commission and SIRA’s Dispute Resolution Services.

The dispute portals used by the insurance and legal communities are accessible through the Personal Injury Commission website.

The IRO has expanded the functions of the former Workers Compensation Independent Review Office (WIRO) to now receive complaints from injured people about their workers compensation or CTP insurer. SIRA will continue to receive complaints that may require regulatory or enforcement action.

Changes to workers compensation guidelines and fees orders

SIRA has updated several workers compensation guidelines and fees orders to reflect changes resulting from the commencement of the Personal Injury Commission Act 2020 on 1 March 2021.

The updated guidelines and fees orders are:

The updated guidelines and fees orders are also available in the NSW Government Gazette (No 78, 26 February 2021) on the NSW Legislation website.

The Workers compensation medical dispute assessment guidelines will continue to apply to certain proceedings in the Personal Injury Commission. Handling of medical disputes referred to the Personal Injury Commission from 1 March 2021 are now governed by the Personal Injury Commission Rules 2021.

In addition, the updated Guidelines for workplace return to work programs is now available to help employers, workers, and stakeholders understand their legal obligations to support an organisational culture of recovery at work. These guidelines commenced on 1 March 2021.

Monash University seeks general practitioners for trial

SIRA is a key partner in the IMPRovE trial, a project aimed at increasing the delivery of evidence-based care in general practice for patients with work-related mental health issues.

Monash University is seeking general practitioners (GPs) who see patients with mental health conditions arising from work to participate in an 18-month trial.

GPs in the intervention group will receive tailored educational outreach and engagement through an online community of practice, and GPs in the control group will be offered key components of the intervention when the trial concludes.

Participants who complete all data collection requirements plus academic detailing and attendance at one pre-specified webinar will receive $800 plus either 40 RACGP CPD points or 8 ACRRM points, and their practices will receive $500.

The trial, funded by a National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) partnership grant and led by the University of Sydney and Monash University, is a partnership with Beyond Blue, the Attorney-General’s Department, Comcare, the Office of Industrial Relations - Queensland Government, SIRA, Worksafe Victoria, WorkCover WA, and icare.

To find out more, please visit the Monash University website or contact the research team on [email protected]

Extended review of legal support

SIRA has extended its Review of Legal Support for Injured People in the NSW CTP Scheme until July 2021.

The extension will provide the independent reviewers with more time to fully consider stakeholder feedback and any procedural impacts resulting from the establishment of the Personal Injury Commission.

SIRA thanks stakeholders for their submissions and contributions to the review while the independent reviewers continue their analysis.

Updated guidance for face coverings during medico-legal examinations

SIRA has amended its guidance to medico-legal assessors, insurers, legal representatives, and injured persons removing the requirements for mandatory face coverings during medico-legal examinations in indoor areas. The update is in response to recent amendments outlined in the Public Health (COVID-19 Mandatory Face Coverings) Amendment (No. 4).

SIRA continues to monitor the impacts of COVID-19 on its personal injury schemes, which means this guidance may change from time to time. Continue to visit the SIRA website or subscribe to the SIRA bulletin to stay updated.

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