SIRA bulletin - Issue 28

March 2021 workers compensation data now available

Workers compensation data for March 2021 is available on the SIRA open data website.

Statutory review of the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 now underway

The scheduled statutory review of the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 (2017 Act) is now underway.

The review will assess whether the policy objectives of the 2017 Act (outlined in section 1.3) remain valid, and whether the terms of the 2017 Act, the Motor Accident Injuries Regulation 2017 and the Motor Accident Guidelines remain appropriate for securing those objectives.

As part of the review, Clayton Utz and Deloitte are seeking feedback from injured people, organisations and members of the public. There are two ways you can provide feedback:

  1. A discussion paper will be published on 28 June 2021 on the SIRA website. Submissions may address questions in the discussion paper or relate generally to the objectives of the Act and the 2017 CTP scheme, having regard to the Review terms of reference. Stakeholders and interested persons are invited to begin preparing submissions ahead of its publication.
  2. Participate in targeted stakeholder workshops between 26 July to 6 August 2021. If you would like to participate in these workshops please email [email protected].

Learn more about the review on the SIRA website.

Have your say: Enhancing SIRA’s research program

SIRA is seeking feedback on the future direction of its research program.

The program aims to facilitate evidence-informed policy, scheme design and supervision activities to support high-quality health and return to work outcomes for injured people in the NSW workers compensation and CTP schemes.

A recent review confirmed that the program was funding research relevant to the challenges of the sector. However, the review also noted that impact could be further enhanced by:

  • implementing a more strategic approach to setting and defining research priorities
  • increased focus and translation of findings to key stakeholders
  • planning for and effectively evaluating impact
  • facilitating opportunities for research collaboration and co-design across the sector.

Your feedback will inform SIRA’s strategic approach to research. Learn more and have your say. Submissions close 9 July 2021.

Two streams for Recovery Boost program to help develop and support best mental health project ideas

The third and final round of the Recovery Boost grant program opens this July.

Part of the NSW Government’s Mentally Healthy Workplaces project, the Recovery Boost program offers $50,000 grants to individuals and organisations who come up with innovative ways to improve mental health recovery at work.

This year there are two streams for grant proposals:

  1. Supported program – open now ahead of the main program launch
  2. Independent program – opens 2 July 2021

The supported stream is designed to help targeted groups (like university students, small business, community representatives, regional NSW workplaces, Aboriginal, youth, and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) groups) identify a mental health problem and articulate a solution for consideration for the Recovery Boost grant program.

The supported stream will provide mentors and business coaches to selected participants to help develop their idea into a Recovery Boost project application.

You can apply for the supported program now. To do so, submit a video pitch by 5.00 pm Friday 25 June 2021.

The independent program stream is designed for organisations and individuals who do not need help developing a project idea and writing a grant application.

Applications for the independent program stream open on Friday 2 July and run until Friday 6 August 2021. A link to the online EOI will be published closer to the opening date.

Grant winners for both streams will be announced in October 2021.

2017 CTP scheme actuarial report published

SIRA has published the latest CTP Scheme monitoring report. Produced by the scheme actuary Ernst & Young Australia, the report focuses on the 2017 CTP scheme.

The report, 2017 CTP Scheme: Quarterly Actuarial Monitoring, 31 March 2021 data - PDF, uses key actuarial measures and indicators to monitor overall scheme experience. It also includes metrics for claims for damages, including total benefit paid and total claims for damages.

Motor Accidents and Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Minister of Digital and Minister of Customer Service, the Hon. Victor Dominello introduced the Motor Accidents and Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 in the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday 9 June.

The Bill contains amendments to:

  • motor accidents legislation
  • the workers compensation scheme
  • the Workers Compensation (Bushfire, Emergency and Rescue Services) Act 1987
  • the State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015, and
  • support the Personal Injury Commission.

Refer to the NSW Parliament website for more information.

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