SIRA bulletin - Issue 30

Adam Dent starts as SIRA Chief Executive

Adam Dent started his role as Chief Executive of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) on Monday 5 July 2021.

Mr Dent joins SIRA from the NSW Trustee and Guardian. Learn more about Mr Dent’s background on the SIRA website.

Have your say: Statutory review of the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017

The scheduled statutory review of the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 is underway and public consultation on the discussion paper is now open.

The discussion paper has been published on the SIRA website. Interested persons and stakeholders are encouraged to submit a response.

Submissions close Monday 2 August 2021.

The Independent Reviewers have received and referenced all recent submissions on relevant topics, including those to the recent Standing Committee on Law and Justice. Stakeholders do not need to resubmit previous submissions and are instead encouraged to focus on any additional areas and responses to the questions posed in the discussion paper.

The statutory review will also include stakeholder workshops commencing the end of July and into early August 2021. If you would like to participate in these workshops please email [email protected].

Updated workers compensation guidelines for the approval of treating allied health practitioners

The Workers compensation guidelines for the approval of treating allied health practitioners (Guidelines) have been updated following a review.

The Guidelines apply to accredited exercise physiologists, chiropractors, counsellors, osteopaths, physiotherapists and psychologists operating in the NSW workers compensation scheme.

The updated Guidelines strengthen the requirements for approved allied health practitioners by adding further conditions of approval and introducing a requirement for practitioners to renew their approval every three years.

These changes will help SIRA to improve compliance and better regulate those outlier practitioners who do not do the right thing.

The guidelines will take effect 16 July 2021. Practitioners with current SIRA approval will have 12 months to apply for approval under the new guidelines.

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