Workers compensation bulletin - Issue 89

COVID-19 update

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought business continuity planning across NSW into sharp focus.

SIRA is taking steps to ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place to enable injured workers, employers, insurers and providers can access necessary information and services in the workers compensation scheme. We are working closely with WIRO (Workers Compensation Independent Review Office) and the WCC (Workers Compensation Commission) to ensure a coordinated and considered plan is in place to take appropriate action as required.

Internally, our Crisis Management Team has been meeting regularly and business continuity planning has been underway for some time. As a result, we are well-equipped to manage several scenarios should they occur.

We will continue to provide updates to our customers and clients as COVID-19 response planning progresses.

SIRA raises concerns regarding businesses advertising services related to hearing loss

SIRA has received several complaints regarding some businesses advertising their services to clients and customers in a way that may give the wrong impression about the services offered.

SIRA is concerned that there are businesses promoting themselves in a way that implies they are providing services such as free medical advice, free hearing aids or free legal consultation where the services would be provided in connection with a claim for workers compensation.

It is SIRA’s view that this type of advertising does not make it clear that in order to obtain these types of services a successful claim for workers compensation under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 must be made against the client or customer’s current or former employer.

We are keen to hear of instances of this type of activity and SIRA may refer serious instances to the relevant regulatory Authority or industry organisation for investigation.

Complaints handling process

SIRA is responsible for regulating insurers across workers compensation, CTP and home building. We can assess, review and attempt to resolve complaints.

If you are a worker, please contact us if you have a complaint about your employer or treatment provider. If you have a complaint about your insurer, you should contact the Workers Compensation Independent Review Office (WIRO) in the first instance.

If you are an employer, insurer or other stakeholder, please contact us if you have an unresolved enquiry or a complaint relating to workers compensation.

If you need advice about what options are available to you to resolve your complaint or dispute you can contact us by phone, online form, email, mail or in person.

Contact us by phone on 13 74 72 (8:30am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays). An out-of-hours answering service is also available.

Contact us online by filling out our Workers compensation online enquiry form.

Contact us via email at [email protected]

To make a complaint or provide feedback about SIRA’s workers compensation services

Phone: 13 74 72 (8:30am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday)
Online: general enquiries form
Email: [email protected]

Post:   Workers Compensation Regulation
State Insurance Regulatory Authority
Locked Bag 2906
Lisarow NSW 2252

A worker wanting to make a complaint about the insurer, should contact the Workers Compensation Independent Review Office (WIRO):

Phone:  13 94 76 (8am-6pm Monday to Friday)
Online: complaints web form
Email:  [email protected]

Post:  Workers Compensation Independent Review Office
Level 4
1 Oxford Street
Darlinghurst NSW 2010.

Please visit the SIRA website to get more information on Disputes and Complaints.

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