Workers compensation regulation bulletin - Issue 64 (May 2019)

In this edition: Program to help small business overcome financial barrier to recovery at work.

Program to help small business overcome financial barrier to recovery at work

The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is trialling a new financial assistance program for small businesses who support workers’ recovery at work after injury.

Recover at Work Assist for Small Business aims to help small businesses overcome financial hardship when providing suitable work to help a worker recover.

It can provide up to $400 per week for a combined total of six weeks to offset the costs of making alternative arrangements to cover a worker’s usual duties while they recover at work.

The program enables an employer to:

  • receive assistance payments to help offset the costs of covering the usual duties of the worker
  • provide suitable work for the worker
  • help the worker to stay active and return to usual activities at work and home sooner
  • demonstrate a recovery at work culture and maintain good employer-employee relationships
  • retain the skills and knowledge of the worker.

Recover at Work Assist for Small Business is for employers of up to 19 full-time equivalent staff who pay a base tariff workers compensation premium of less than $30,000.

Stakeholder feedback informed the development of the program, which replaces the Return to Work Assist Program for Micro-employers.

Funding through the new program is available to eligible employers from 1 June 2019. Insurers are to use payment classification code RAW001.

Any worker currently participating in the Return to Work Assist Program for Micro-employers (insurer payment classification code WPP015) should transition off the program by 1 July 2019.

Employers can apply for the new program by contacting their workers compensation insurer.

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