Changes to approval guidelines for allied health practitioners

The Workers compensation guidelines for the approval of treating allied health practitioners (Guidelines) have been updated following a review. The Guidelines apply to accredited exercise physiologists, chiropractors, counsellors, osteopaths, physiotherapists and psychologists.  

The updated Guidelines strengthen the requirements for allied health practitioners by:

  • adding extra conditions of approval
  • introducing a requirement for practitioners to renew their approval every three years.

These changes will help SIRA improve compliance and better regulate those outlier practitioners who do not do the right thing.

The Guidelines also extend the timeframe for reviewing SIRA decisions to suspend, revoke or decline approval from 21 to 28 calendar days. In response to feedback provided during consultation, they also provide a clearer outline of which health disciplines need to apply for approval to operate in the scheme.  

The Guidelines take effect on 16 July 2021.

Practitioners with current SIRA approval are not currently required to complete the online training program for re-approval and will have 12 months to apply and be re-approved under the new guidelines.

Learn more about the changes and apply for approval.

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