Expansion of CTP Assist

SIRA is expanding its successful CTP Assist service so that people injured in motor accidents receive even greater information and support.

CTP Assist operates as an outbound call service that proactively contacts injured people at key milestones during their claims journey. The service helps people to navigate the claims process and understand their entitlements.

The benefits of CTP Assist were recognised in the statutory review of the Motor Accidents Injuries Act 2017 and the legal supports review, with both reviews making recommendations to expand the service.

SIRA is acting on these recommendations by introducing additional milestone calls to:

  • provide even more information about legislation, rules and benefits
  • increase awareness about entitlements to damages
  • offer more support to people with higher needs such as non-English speakers or self-employed earners with partial or full incapacity.

The expanded CTP Assist service will commence in January 2022.

Further enhancements are planned for later in 2022, including publishing a guide to CTP for injured people and promoting the service as the first point of call.

While increasing the role of CTP Assist was one reform option from the legal supports review, no decision has been made on the future of legal supports in the motor accidents scheme. SIRA is continuing to analyse and cost the options for potential reform.

The success of the CTP Assist program in the motor accidents scheme has also led to SIRA announcing it will trial the service in the workers compensation scheme for 12 months.

As part of the service in workers compensation, SIRA will make outbound calls to workers at risk of delayed recovery as early as possible in the claims process.

People injured in a motor accident that need help to navigate the scheme can access SIRA’s CTP Assist on 1300 656 919 or by email at [email protected]

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