Framework to measure value-based care

To progress the implementation of value-based care in the workers compensation and CTP schemes, SIRA has published a Value-based healthcare outcomes framework.

The framework provides a series of metrics for monitoring and reporting healthcare outcomes and costs in the schemes.

These metrics are placed against the following six domains:

  1. Physical and mental health
  2. Wellbeing
  3. Injured person experience and accessibility
  4. Safety and quality of healthcare
  5. Provider expertise, delivery and experience
  6. Effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare

Once the framework is implemented, SIRA will be able to measure the value of healthcare – through the health and quality of life outcomes that are achieved - and report comparatively on insurer performance.

SIRA continues to work with scheme participants, including healthcare providers and their peak bodies, to co-design an implementation plan for the framework.

The implementation plan will detail how the collection of new data will be implemented, and roles and responsibilities.

This framework reflects input from continued stakeholder engagement on SIRA’s Healthcare review and consultation on the draft Value-based healthcare outcomes framework.

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