Help enhance SIRA's research program

The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) research program aims to facilitate evidence-informed policy, scheme design and supervision activities to support high-quality health and return to work outcomes for injured people in the NSW workers compensation (WC) and compulsory third party (CTP) schemes.

SIRA has invested in a range of research activities, educational campaigns and programs to meet the current and emerging needs of its customers.

A recent review confirmed that the program was funding research that was relevant to the challenges of the sector and that impact was being felt. However, the review also noted that impact could be further enhanced by:

  • implementing a more strategic approach to setting and defining research priorities
  • increased focus and translation of findings to key stakeholders
  • planning for and effectively evaluating impact
  • facilitating opportunities for research collaboration and co-design across the sector.

Have your say

SIRA has developed a consultation paper to seek feedback from customers, stakeholders and other interested parties.

This feedback will inform how SIRA strengthens its strategic approach to research, successfully translates research findings, effectively evaluates research impact, and facilitates greater collaboration across all aspects of its research approach.

Find out more and have your say Submissions close 9 July 2021.

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