Help make a difference by being part of SIRA’s Recover at Work Reference Group

28 February 2023

Expressions of interest are now open for three new members to join SIRA’s Recover at Work Reference Group.

SIRA is looking for people with lived experience of recovery from mental ill health or psychological injury in the workplace and/or have professional experience in this area. This is an opportunity to use that experience and expertise to make a difference.

The Recover at Work group was formed in 2019 to support SIRA’s contributions to the NSW Government’s Mentally Healthy Workplaces Strategy.

Members are a mix of experts in mental health at work, people with the lived experience of mental health issues and workplace leaders.

Together the group works with SIRA in the design and implementation of workplace mental health initiatives by sharing their own experiences and providing feedback from their networks.

The programs they’ve been involved in include Hear 2Talk, Peter’s story of mental health recovery at work, Camille's story of mental health recovery at work, and the READY? - a mental health disclosure tool.

Applications close on Monday 13 March 2023 and applicants will be advised of results by early April 2023.

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