Latest CTP claims experience and customer feedback report released

SIRA's latest quarterly CTP insurer claims experience and customer feedback report is now available.

The June 2021 report provides the latest data to help you compare insurer performance, understand a customer's claims journey and inform decisions about where to purchase CTP insurance.

The report compares five key indicators of customer experience across five CTP insurers in NSW: AAMI, Allianz, GIO, NRMA and QBE. These indicators include:

  • the number of statutory benefits claims accepted by insurers
  • how quickly insurers pay statutory benefits
  • the outcome, and length of time to review claim decisions by insurers through the insurers' internal review unit
  • the number of compliments and complaints received about insurers
  • the amount and type of issues considered for enforcement and prosecution action.

A sixth insurer, Youi, joined the scheme from 1 December 2020. Once a significant number of claims are received by Youi, it will also be included in these quarterly reports.

The report shows 72% of people received pre-claim support in the 2021 year and a further 23% accessed treatment and care services within the first month after lodging a claim.

Insurers are also accepting most claims from people who are injured and their families. During the 2021 year, 98% of claims were accepted compared to 98.7% in the 2020 year.

As part of its regulatory oversight, SIRA closely monitors insurers' performance through data gathering and analysis. Making this information publicly available maintains transparency and helps to inform scheme stakeholders and the wider public about the industry's performance.

You can read the results in the June 2021 CTP Insurer claims experience and customer feedback comparison report.

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