Mild traumatic brain injury (concussion) – facts to help patients and their carers

11 July 2023

SIRA, in partnership with the Agency for Clinical Innovation, has developed an updated fact sheet to help provide the right treatment and recovery for people with mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI).

MTBI is often called a head injury or concussion and is caused when the head or body hits something or is violently shaken. This type of injury can commonly occur following a car or workplace accident and present numerous symptoms including headaches, neck pain, and confusion or disorientation.

MTBI symptoms can be hard to detect if medical treatment is not sought immediately after the injury. The updated fact sheet assists with identifying common MTBI symptoms, what to expect in the hospital emergency department, the treatment process, and updated advice to help recovery at home in the following month after injury.

The mild traumatic brain injury fact sheet is available in English and 15 most frequently used community languages in NSW.

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