My Whiplash Navigator offers guided whiplash recovery

12 February 2024

My Whiplash Navigator is an online tool to assist injured people experiencing physical symptoms such as neck pain, stiffness, headaches and feeling light-headed. The tool was developed by the University of Sydney and The University of Queensland in conjunction with SIRA and the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) of Queensland.

A team of researchers and clinicians with expertise in whiplash developed the website in collaboration with people with lived experience of whiplash.

Whiplash is the most common injury among people claiming under the NSW CTP insurance scheme. Since 1 December 2017, when the new CTP scheme was introduced, 32% of CTP claims involved whiplash as an injury. While some people make a full recovery, others can sustain long term injury, creating significant personal, economic and social distress.

My Whiplash Navigator aims to guide recovery from whiplash by providing information, self-guided exercise programmes, and answering common questions about whiplash. Keeping active and doing neck and head exercises are important to recovering from whiplash injury. Exercises are shown on the navigator with photos and are categorised from beginner to advanced.

WhipPredict is a whiplash assessment tool on My Whiplash Navigator to assist an injured person and their healthcare professional to understand the severity of their injury. This multiple-choice questionnaire takes under 10 minutes to complete, and the results can be reviewed by a healthcare professional to facilitate discussion about a plan for recovery.

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