New functionality added to CTP open data portal

As part of its regulatory oversight, the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) monitors insurer performance through data-gathering and analysis. SIRA helps hold insurers accountable by being transparent with insurer data, enabling scheme stakeholders and the wider public to have informed discussions about the performance of the industry.

Having access to this data will help customers make meaningful comparisons between insurers when purchasing CTP insurance. People injured in motor accidents may also benefit from knowing what to expect from the insurer managing their claim.

New functionality has been added to the CTP open data portal so users can filter data to their preference with interactive tables and graphs. We compare six key indicators of customer experience across the five CTP insurers in NSW: AAMI, Allianz, GIO, NRMA and QBE.

Select 'Insurer claims experience' on the home page to start filtering the data.

SIRA will continue to publish and update the key performance metrics and provide the report in a PDF and interactive format.

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