Customer experience survey

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Surveys have now closed

If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, you can call us on 1300 656 919 or email [email protected].

SIRA is conducting a survey on customer experience in the NSW workers compensation, compulsory third party (CTP) and home building compensation insurance schemes. If you have made a claim or hold a policy, we want to hear from you.

The survey can be completed online and will take five minutes of your time.

Your responses are completely anonymous and will help SIRA to understand and improve scheme performance for everyone.

To start the survey, please select the scheme you want to give feedback about.

  • Workers compensation
  • Compulsory Third Party insurance
  • Home Building compensation

We look forward to hearing about your experience.

How the information will be used

SIRA is collecting information about your experience in the insurance schemes. Your responses will be used to help SIRA improve outcomes for people who make claims and hold policies. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and your responses will not be disclosed to any party unless required by law.

Further information about the handling of information is available on our privacy page.

If you have any questions about this survey, you can call us on 1300 656 919 or email us at [email protected].

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