Recovery at work insider - Issue 19

29 September 2022

What you can do if recovery at work is not going to plan

Why is this important?

Sometimes setbacks occur as part of your worker’s recovery. Understanding and identifying the factors impacting your worker’s recovery helps you to determine actions needed to support your worker. 

Taking action early to address any modifiable factors prevents further delays in your worker's recovery.

From the evidence

There are multiple factors across four key domains – personal, workplace, health care, insurance and compensation - that work together to influence RTW outcomes for an individual worker. There is strong evidence that interventions across at least two domains significantly reduces time away from work following injury1.

What you can do

  • Ensure you have identified and addressed the cause of your worker’s injury.
  • Address any workplace factors that may be impacting your worker's recovery.
  • Continue to communicate positive expectations about recovery at work.
  • Reassure your worker you will provide timely and ongoing support.
  • Use case conferencing to help with communication.
  • Involve your worker and their support team in problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Acknowledge and seek support to address any other difficulties impacting your worker’s recovery at work.
  • Talk with the insurer about other options that might assist (workplace rehabilitation, SIRA funded programs, Injury management consultant).

Resources and tools


1 Cullen K.L., Irvin E., Collie A., et al. Feb 2017. Effectiveness of workplace interventions in RTW for musculoskeletal, pain-related and mental health conditions: an update of the evidence and messages for practitioners. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.

Next edition

Our October edition will look at supporting RTW following psychological injury.

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