​SIRA Bulletin – Issue 61

2 July 2024

Welcome to Bulletin issue 61 and my first as Chief Executive. It has been great settling in, talking to our teams at SIRA and learning how they work together to achieve the best outcomes for customers across the personal injury and home building compensation schemes.

I’ve also enjoyed meeting with our stakeholders to understand how SIRA can work together to ensure the people of NSW get quality services, and regulation is great way of achieving this.

SIRA has a strong commitment to value-based health care in NSW and as part of this we have just released a new Allied Health Treatment Request (AHTR) form to replace the previous Allied Health Recovery Request (AHRR). The new AHTR provides a more simplified and person-centred approach to requesting approval for allied health treatment and care.

In other news, SIRA has published the Register of Directed Service Providers Policy outlining our approach to publishing details about relevant service providers given a direction under the State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015.

Taylor Fry has also completed a SIRA funded benchmarking analysis of medico-legal fees in the NSW workers compensation and compulsory third-party schemes which will inform SIRA’s plan to optimise the use of medico-legal assessments within the schemes. I am proud to see our ongoing work to deliver better outcomes for the people of NSW.

Mandy Young

Chief Executive

SIRA releases a new Allied health treatment request form for health practitioners

SIRA has released a new accessible and simplified Allied Health Treatment Request (AHTR) form to replace the previous Allied Health Recovery Request (AHRR) form. The new form assists health practitioners to provide the right information to insurer case managers, so they can determine treatment requests in a timely manner. Read the SIRA news article.

SIRA publishes its Register of Directed Service Providers Policy

SIRA has published a Register of Directed Service Providers Policy, which outlines its approach to publishing and updating the register of directed service providers (the register). This register contains information about directions issued to relevant service providers under the State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015. Read the SIRA news article.

SIRA imposes $11,000 civil penalty on Liberty Holdings Australia Limited

Liberty Holdings Australia Limited failed to submit its audited financial statements for the financial year ending 30 June 2023, as required by its NSW workers compensation license conditions. Read the SIRA news article.

SIRA releases Taylor Fry report

SIRA commissioned Taylor Fry to undertake a benchmarking analysis of medico-legal fees in the workers compensation and compulsory third-party schemes, following stakeholder feedback that maximum fees are set too low.

MySIRA is now available

The new MySIRA portal allows customers to lodge a search request for insurance records held by SIRA and provides an enhanced digital pathway to lodge a complaint, enquiry or provide feedback. Customers can choose to register through the portal to track the progress of their submission or make additional comments.

Learning more about early intervention in the personal injury schemes

SIRA and the Personal Injury Education Foundation recently collaborated to develop training for insurers focused on early intervention in the personal injury compensation schemes. The first of these modules, ‘Coordinated Multi Domain Approach to Injury Management/Recovery Planning’ is now live.

Indexed adjustments to workers compensation benefits from 1 July 2024

The latest indexed adjustments to workers compensation benefits are now available and apply from 1 July 2024.

Quarterly regulatory update ending 31 March 2024

SIRA has released a report that summarises its regulatory activity relating to the compulsory third party, workers compensation, home building compensation schemes and healthcare providers operating in the schemes, for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2024.

Nominal Insurer Audit Report February 2024

SIRA has conducted an audit to evaluate the claims management performance of DXC Technology as a Claim Service Provider to the Nominal Insurer.

CTP Insurer Claims Experience and Customer Feedback Comparison - March 2024

SIRA provides information on how insurers perform to help people make meaningful comparisons between insurers when purchasing their CTP insurance. The data reflects the period of 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

How are CTP prices set for taxis and ride share?

SIRA has updated payment options for taxi owners now when choosing their CTP Policy. These options include paying their premium upfront, or in instalments.

Disclosure log and proactive release log updated

As part of strengthening governance and accountability, SIRA completed a review of all decisions made to release data (wholly or in part) under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 for the last 3 years. The disclosure log and proactive release log on SIRA’s website has been updated to provide access to information released under an access application.


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