SIRA partnering with insurers to boost support for injured workers through Workers Compensation Assist

15 August 2022

SIRA has launched a pilot of its successful CTP Assist program in the NSW workers compensation scheme to boost the support available to injured workers.

ALDI, Toll and Catholic Church Insurance have signed up to Workers Compensation Assist where SIRA makes outbound calls to their workers at risk of delayed recovery as early as possible in their claims journey.

SIRA Chief Executive Adam Dent said that the extra support aims to ensure that workers have the information and tools they need to navigate their claim and return to work.

“Early access to support in the initial stages of a claim results in better recovery outcomes down the track,” Mr Dent said.

“With system return to work rates stagnating, even when unemployment is at its lowest levels, SIRA is stepping up to educate and empower workers.

“SIRA is calling workers with psychological injuries, COVID-19 claims, and people with physical injuries to help them direct their claims journey, understand the health benefits of good work, and take an active role in their recovery.

“In the first 10 weeks of the pilot, 85% of customers reported an improved understanding of their return to work and recovery as a result of Workers Compensation Assist.

“I welcome other insurers to come on board to improve the support that is available to their injured workers.

“The early results build on the success of SIRA’s CTP Assist in the motor accidents insurance scheme.

“The benefits of CTP Assist were recognised in the Statutory Review of the Motor Accidents Injuries Act 2017 and the Legal Supports Review, with both reviews making recommendations to expand this service.”

SIRA has initially partnered with self-insurers ALDI and Toll and specialised insurer Catholic Church Insurance on the pilot in the workers compensation scheme.

ALDI National Work Health & Safety Director Simon Borham said that Workers Compensation Assist has been a welcome resource to their employees.

“The Workers Compensation Assist pilot has been a positive additional resource to ensure ALDI employees receive independent information to bolster the quality conversations from the claims teams,” Mr Borham said.

“ALDI employees are reporting a positive experience from the pilot and the insights provided by SIRA each month help us drive continuous improvement within our workers compensation program.”

SIRA is continuing to develop and expand Workers Compensation Assist, using its own data and onboarding additional partner insurers.

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