SIRA publishes report on insurer recovery through work rates

30 April 2024

SIRA has published the workers compensation insurer recovery through work performance report. Research consistently shows that returning to work after illness or injury can deliver positive benefits to the worker, their employer, and the community. SIRA is committed to developing policy and guidance in the workers compensation scheme to encourage timely and safe return to work for people injured in the workplace.

As part of this commitment, SIRA published the Recovery through work measurement framework in 2021. This framework fulfills SIRA's commitment to measure actual work participation across schemes, moving away from payment-based or claim closure approaches. It also provides a comprehensive overview of the performance of all insurers and claim service providers.

A major deliverable of the framework is the design of the recovery through work outcome metrics and the publishing of this workers compensation insurer recovery through work performance report.

The report measures insurer performance based on 3 key recovery through work metrics, which are the 13-week return to work, stay at work and working rates. Comparisons are provided across quarterly and yearly periods.

SIRA will continue to publish these reports quarterly to drive accountability and positive change in the insurance industry. They are important for tracking an insurer’s recovery through work performance, ensuring work participation remains a priority for insurer performance and fostering transparency of insurer performance.

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