SIRA releases a new accessible Allied Health Treatment Request form for health practitioners

25 June 2024

SIRA has released a new Allied Health Treatment Request (AHTR) form to replace the previous Allied Health Recovery Request (AHRR). The simplified and accessible AHTR form aims to make sure that health practitioners provide the right information to insurer case managers so they can determine treatment requests in a timely manner.

SIRA co-designed the interactive PDF form with allied health practitioners and insurers. The new form aligns to SIRA’s value-based approach to healthcare in the NSW personal injury schemes. It supports a structured, person-centred approach to requesting approval for allied health treatment and care.

Each section of the form draws on the 5 principles of the Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services to deliver the right care at the right time.

Allied health practitioners are expected to complete the form in partnership with the person with a claim, promoting risk-screening and collaboration to manage barriers to recovery for a person with a claim. The new form now features clear and expanded sections and aims to use standardised outcome measures to show treatment effectiveness and monitor progress over time.

A transition period is in place until 15 December 2024 to allow for requests using either the AHTR or AHRR. However, starting 16 December 2024, only the AHTR can be used to request approval from insurers. SIRA encourages health practitioners to use the transition period to update their systems and educate their teams about the form.

Allied health practitioners who need assistance completing the form can email [email protected] or call 13SIRA (137472).

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