Special conditions imposed on B.I.C. Services Pty. Limited’s workers compensation licence

14 August 2024

SIRA has imposed special licence conditions on B.I.C. Services Pty. Limited's (B.I.C.) workers compensation self-insurer licence in response to issues regarding compliance and claims management practices.

A self-audit conducted by B.I.C. and a claims performance audit conducted by SIRA have identified issues with B.I.C.'s case management practices and compliance with the workers compensation legislation.

A remediation plan has been put in place in addition to special licence conditions imposed as follows:

  • The licensee must develop a Remediation Plan as approved by SIRA to improve claims management compliance. This plan must be submitted to SIRA for review and approval by 30 August 2024.
  • The licensee must implement the Remediation Plan as approved by SIRA in accordance with the timeframes outlined in the plan and provide SIRA with monthly updates on implementation of the Remediation Plan within 10 business days of the end of each month until the finalisation of the plan.
  • The licensee must develop and/or update and implement a quality assurance program to monitor the effectiveness of its Remediation Plan and claims management compliance and performance.
  • The licensee must provide the Authority with a monthly quality assurance report to demonstrate the effectiveness of claims performance improvements within 10 business days from the end of each month until otherwise advised by the Authority.
  • These special conditions apply to any variation or extension of the licensees Remediation Program approved by the Authority in writing from time to time.

SIRA is closely monitoring B.I.C.'s performance and compliance with the licence conditions. SIRA will conduct a further claims performance audit in March 2025 for any appropriate regulatory response.

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