Workplace rehabilitation provider framework launches

Workplace rehabilitation providers in the NSW workers compensation system will be subject to a new approval framework from 1 January 2022 that focuses on improving return to work outcomes.

The framework establishes the requirements for SIRA approval, which includes delivering evidence-based services and achieving minimum return to work rates.

The framework is based on the latest research that proves the benefits of rehabilitation services in aiding recovery.

SIRA is seeking to expand the use of rehabilitation services in the NSW workers compensation system, with a broader range of providers can be approved to offer these services, subject to approval.

The framework also introduces two new services – workplace facilitated discussions and specialist job-seeking services – that providers can deliver.

Reapply for SIRA approval to continue delivering services

With the new framework taking effect from 1 January 2022, workplace rehabilitation providers must reapply for SIRA approval to continue delivering services in the NSW workers compensation scheme.

Providers with current SIRA approval need to reapply by 1 November 2021 to continue delivering services from 1 January 2022.

Providers without SIRA approval can apply under the new framework between January and March 2022.

To apply, providers must return the application form and agree to the code of conduct.

Research on the benefits of workplace rehabilitation

Early engagement of workplace rehabilitation providers has been shown to improve return to work outcomes in the NSW workers compensation scheme.

SIRAs analysis shows that early engagement of a workplace rehabilitation provider within 13 weeks of injury can improve return to work rates by up to 5 per cent.

For psychological claims (either as a primary or secondary injury), return to work outcomes can be improved by 20 per cent.

This results in lower weekly and medical costs for these claims, particularly when the workplace rehabilitation provider is appointed early in the claims process.

You can read more about the research results in the analysis of claims data conducted by EY for SIRA.

SIRA will strengthen Standard of practice 15 Approval and payment of medical, hospital and rehabilitation services and other supplementary material before the framework comes into effect on 1 January 2022.

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