World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2021

Wednesday 28 April was World Day for Safety and Health at Work and the International Day of Mourning.

The dual event provides an opportunity to reflect on workplace health and safety and remember those who have died as a result of a work-related incident or illness.

International Day of Mourning online memorial service

To commemorate the International Day of Mourning, SafeWork NSW and Unions NSW held a COVID-safe online memorial service at 12.00 pm (AEST) today.

The 30-minute service included messages from members of the NSW Parliament, Unions NSW, religious representatives, and family members who lost a loved one.

A recording of the service is available for viewing on the International Day of Mourning website until 28 May 2021.

Work health and safety matters

183 people were fatally injured at work in Australia in 2019.

While the number of work-related deaths in Australia has decreased over the last decade, every death is a tragedy. It is a reminder of the importance of work health and safety, and the need to anticipate, prepare and respond to hazards and risks in our work environment as they arise.

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