CTP Care - fact sheet

This fact sheet provides information for people who were injured in a motor accident in NSW from 1 December 2017 and have treatment and care needs for five years or longer after that accident.

Key information

  • CTP Care is administered by the Lifetime Care and Support Authority (LCSA) in the NSW Compulsory Third Party (CTP) scheme under the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017.
  • CTP Care provides statutory benefits for treatment and care for people injured in a motor accident in NSW from 1 December 2017, who have treatment and care needs five years or longer after their accident.
  • Injured people with treatment and care needs more than five years after their accident will transition from their CTP insurer to CTP Care.
  • The LCSA will become the relevant insurer and assume responsibility for the payment of treatment and care statutory benefits.
  • In some circumstances, transition to CTP Care can be made by early agreement.

What to expect from your CTP insurer

Your CTP insurer will inform you about your transition to CTP Care six months before the transition takes place, and again at least two weeks before the transition date.

If it has been more than four years and six months since your motor accident and you have not been contacted by your CTP insurer, you can contact your CTP insurer case manager to discuss your transition to CTP Care.

Your CTP insurer will provide all copies of supporting documentation and information relevant to your claim to CTP Care and will notify your current treatment and care providers that CTP Care will assume responsibility for managing your treatment and care needs.

If you have recently made a complaint or requested an internal review of a decision by your CTP insurer, they will manage this through to the transition period.

What to expect from CTP Care

After the transition is complete, CTP Care will write to you within five business days to confirm that CTP Care has now assumed responsibility for the payment of your treatment and care needs and provide you with details of the CTP Care contact officer. CTP Care will also notify your current treatment and care providers.

Treatment and care expenses

CTP Care will determine your requests for treatment and care needs in accordance with the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 and the Motor Accident Guidelines: CTP Care.

On receipt of a request for treatment and care, CTP Care will advise you and your provider whether the request is approved and the agreed costs within 10 calendar days of receiving the request. CTP Care will also pay the invoice within 20 calendar days of receipt.

If your request for treatment and care has been declined or partially declined, CTP Care will explain the reasons for the decision and provide you with information on how you can request an internal review by the CTP Care, make an application for merit review or medical assessment at the Personal Injury Commission, or make a complaint to the Independent Review Office.

Weekly payments of statutory benefits

If you are receiving weekly payments of statutory benefits, these will cease at five years after the date of your motor accident.

CTP Care only provides payment for treatment and care statutory benefits.

Claim for damages

Transition to CTP Care will not impact a claim for damages. Your CTP insurer will continue to manage your claim for damages and will be in contact with you about that claim.

The type of damages that can be claimed including the eligibility criteria and timeframe for lodging damages claim remain the same with transition to CTP Care and are provided for by the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017.

As treatment and care is covered as a statutory benefit, there is no compensation for treatment and care in damages claim, which will not affect your transition to CTP Care. CTP Care is not responsible for the assessment or payment of your claim for damages.

Further information

  • Contact CTP Assist on 1300 656 919 or by email
  • Contact your CTP insurer case manager to discuss an early transition to CTP Care
  • Contact CTP Care on 1300 738 586 or by email if your claim has been accepted for an early transition to CTP Care.
  • CTP Care early transition fact sheet
  • CTP Care

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