Consultation submission procedures

When we are undertaking public consultation, we invite you to contribute to these important regulatory updates and reforms.

Any submissions received after the published deadline will be considered at our discretion.

Publication of submissions will usually include your name and the name of the organisation, if relevant. We will remove contact details such as email addresses, postal addresses and telephone numbers.

At our discretion we may not publish certain submissions (or part of submissions) due to our assessment of length, content, appropriateness or confidentiality.

If your submission contains confidential or commercially sensitive information that you do not wish to be published, please clearly indicate in writing at the time of your submission that you prefer it or any part of it to be treated confidentially. We will then make every effort to protect that information.

All personal information or health information provided in submissions is dealt with in accordance with:

Any requests for access to confidential submissions are dealt with in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

Confidentiality and disclosure provisions contained in the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 and the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 may also apply.

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